Sunday, August 06, 2006
What If
~What If...~
What if I wasnt born to this world, will my absence make a difference?
What if I hadn't come to Singapore, will my life still be this enriching?
What if I had entered a different primary school, will my friends be a totally different group?
What if I had studied harder for my PSLE, will I be in the same school as them?
What if I hadnt gone to 1i/2i, will I be what I am today?
What if I hadnt sat with Eva for 1 year, will I still be this sociable?
What if I had cherished our friendship more, will we still be good friends like last time?
What if I hadnt entered 3c, will I be happier or sadder?
What if I hadnt sat with Leonard for those 3 months, will I still change to be the me now?
What if I hadnt gone to Canberra, will my eyes still be as big as now?
What if i hadnt sat with Ivan, will our relationship improve to be like now?
What if I had gone to watch Tokyo Drift today, will I still regret it like now?
What if...
What if...
What if...
Life is full of What if...
What to do?...
Be an asshat and insist that everything that you have done is the correct thing!
What if I hadnt met you, or you, or even you?...