Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Bad Day
~Bad Day~
Today was a BAD BAD BAD school day!
It begins with our Physics teacher coming up to me with some conversation early in the morning, and our cheery converstaion ends in him saying that 'Im thinking of reporting this matter to your Level Mistress.'
Whatever. Hes nice during the elective btws!
The day continues with me getting back our Maths Test. I got 24/40! Hmm, not that happy, not that sad either. In an environment where the majority gets 30+, u wouldnt be that happy if your marks is erm, below average right! And our dear Maths teacher didnt even encourage me like he did to other students. Ass.
The finale has yet to come. While we were leaving the computer lab after bio, our dear form teacher called me to her side, I knew something was coming, I just knew it! Our conversation was retarded, moronic and lame. It contains words like counselling, sensitive, boy, girl, BLA BLA, watever!
Hello Miss Form Teacher, I can bloody well solv my own problems, *which I dont think there is in this case* and I dont need your help. Thank you very much. Instead of spending too much time on me, you should in fact seek treatment for your high levels of cutey-smile hormone. Have a nice day.
I hate it most when people try to think they understand me VERY well, when they like dont! I can very well solve my own problems, and if I need someone to share my burden with, I have my own confidantes, so those who are too free should just erm run along and mind their own business.
My guai guai boi boi image is so ruined. I mean SO ruined.