Monday, August 07, 2006
In every society, theres always a leader, or quite a number of leaders, and the rest of followers. Like what my beloved EX-form teacher of 2 years used to say, you either be a leader, follower, or terrorist =X.
If a leader is effective, the whole society will be ran well, everything will go smoothly, and with everyone united as one mind, the country will prosper and progress as one. On the other hand, if the leader is ineffective, an imbecile, its hard for the country to move together, this happens in most cases, remember Animal Farm? Power corrupts! Power corrupts!!!
In another case, the leader is trying hard to control his followers, while the followers just wont cooperate, rendering the leader helpess, this problem can be easily solved by changing his leading ways. He can be more domineering, but it might also backfire, if the followers strike a rebellion.
Now, for some randomness, a message to 3 people!
To someone : Your sudden ordering and dominating nature has permeated the air, and youre making me more and more disrespect you, stop it before I become evil =X
To someone : Your sudden spark might bring new life to this old stagnant society, what you said today rawks yea! Hope your enthusiasm doesnt die off so quickly!
To myself : You just let another good oppurtunity miss, these rare chances dont come so easily, Im dissapointed in you.
When are we going to watch fireworks? LOL XD!